Reverend Louis J. Mitchell

Reverend Louis J. Mitchell

Reverend Louis J. Mitchell (he/him) is a Black trans man and the co-founder of Transfaith, “a multi-tradition, multi-racial, multi-gender, multi-generational organization working to support transgender spiritual/cultural workers and their leadership…[believing] that the experiences, spiritual vitality, and leadership of people of transgender experience make our communities stronger and more vibrant.” He was ordained as a minister of the United Church of Christ in 2018.

An activist for over three decades, his focus is the fight for health, self-determination, and respect, focusing on recovery and disability access. He has been featured in the documentaries Still Black: A Portrait of Black Transmen, Gender Journeys: More than a Pronoun, and More than T. He was the recipient of the 2015 Claire Skiffington Vanguard Award from the Transgender Law Center for his long-time advocacy, the 2011 Haystack Award from the Massachusetts Conference of the UCC for work in Social Justice and Social Ministry, and was honored by the Black Trans Advocacy Conference with a Foundation Award in 2013.


Robyn Alice McCutcheon